Lebanese cultural affairs appoint 14 years old advisor

Lebanon’s new Minister of Culture, Mohammad Daoud, has appointed a 14-year-old girl as his advisor on cultural affairs. The move has been widely praised by Lebanese social media users, with many calling it a “breath of fresh air” in the country’s male-dominated political scene.

Unusual decision

The Lebanese Ministry of Culture has appointed a 25-year-old man as its new advisor on cultural affairs. This is an unusual decision, as most advisors are older and more experienced.  However, the new advisor, Hussein al-Amin, is a talented musician and has a lot of experience in the Lebanese music scene.

He is also from a well-known family of musicians, so he knows a lot about the history and culture of Lebanon. Al-Amin will be responsible for advising the ministry on cultural matters, and he will also be working on promoting Lebanese culture internationally. This is a very important role, and it is hoped that al-Amin will be able to help Lebanon’s culture reach new heights.

The Lebanese cultural affairs appoints a new advisor who is only years old. This appointment has caused some controversy, as many people feel that the advisor is too young and inexperienced for the job. However, the advisor has already accomplished a lot in his young life. He has a degree in Lebanese culture from a prestigious university. He has also worked as an intern in the Lebanese Ministry of Culture. In addition, he is fluent in both Arabic and English.

Despite his youth, the advisor is well-qualified for the job. He has a deep understanding of Lebanese culture and will be able to help the ministry promote and protect it.